Peter Bloom | We live in a populist age – but...

This weekend the New Pretender takes great pleasure in republishing the following intervention by Peter Bloom from our partners Brave New Europe. Bloom notes the loose...


In this week's article, we reprint an interview from the Political Observer on Populism with Giorgos Katsambekis addressing many thorny issues of contemporary democracy. Left-wing populist...

[Mexico] “About Time!” – Jimena Vazquez

This week's special article by Jimena Vazquez, reflects upon the last Mexican elections. Jimena argues that the election result signals that: 'it is not...

Is Left-Wing Populism Still Relevant?

Left-wing populism has been on the rise in recent years especially in Europe and the United States. However, after the experiences of SYRIZA, Podemos...

Fighting Austerity Building Alternatives: Notes from the Struggles of the Metropolitan...

In this week's article Haris Malamidis and Kostis Roussos write about building alternative networks in periods where 'austerity politics remain untouched and tend to...

To tackle Trump, we must do better than call him fascist

Tomorrow, Friday 12 July, the UK will welcome Trump with perhaps the largest protests since the Iraq war. All over Scotland —a country which loathed...

The anti-populist effect of the progressive Left – a real concern...

In this weeks long read, Alice Masoni contributes to the New Pretenders analysis of anti-populism. Masoni writes about anti-populist rhetoric and its capacity to reproduce the...

Promise and Populism in Mexico

Today, as Mexico is electing its new president, The New Pretender offers an analysis of the campaign of the left populist candidate Andrés Manual López...

Turkey’s three-dimensional populism, three leaders and three blocs

Today, The New Pretender reprints a last piece on the Turkish campaign before the elections of 24 June. In this article, Omer Tekdemir analyses...

[Turkey] Can Muharrem İnce overtake Erdoğan?

In this second piece on the Turkish elections, The New Pretender deepens its analysis of Muharrem İnce’s left populist campaign. According to opinion polls, only 7...