Reading Fanon today

In this article by Karthick RM offers us a Universalist reading of Frantz Fanon’s works including: The Wretched of the Earth. Arguing against identitarian...

The Underbelly of a Littlebury Lawyer

Who are the elite capital-owning class, and how do they think about precarious work? Cailean Gallagher offers a case-study of the tycoon behind the...

[Mexico] “About Time!” – Jimena Vazquez

This week's special article by Jimena Vazquez, reflects upon the last Mexican elections. Jimena argues that the election result signals that: 'it is not...

Ireland: ‘We have people without homes and homes without people. Mission...

In this short piece Liam Farrell argues that recent acts of naming the Irish Republic, either as a 'Vulture Republic', or as a 'Republic...

To tackle Trump, we must do better than call him fascist

Tomorrow, Friday 12 July, the UK will welcome Trump with perhaps the largest protests since the Iraq war. All over Scotland —a country which loathed...

Extinction Rebellion and the Future of Direct Action | Liz Lee...

This week in the The New Pretender we bring you an original piece from Liz Lee Reynolds on the direct action movement ‘Extinction Rebellion’....

Refugees and the Housing Crisis: When Sanctuary Ceases to be a...

In this article Caroline Forde reports on the housing crisis and its effects on vulnerable communities in contemporary Ireland. Interviewing Hani, a young Syrian refugee...

Amok Runners: Crisis of Patriarchy and Gender Violence in Turkey |...

In this long read and original essay for the New Pretender, Alev Özkazanç writes about the prevalence of gender based violence against women and members...

People’s Infrastructures: the case of recuperated factory of VIOME

In this week’s article Kostis Roussos, Vaggelis Vragoteris and Haris Malamidis write about a new paradigm of working in common: the case of VIOME, a factory in...

Is Left-Wing Populism Still Relevant?

Left-wing populism has been on the rise in recent years especially in Europe and the United States. However, after the experiences of SYRIZA, Podemos...