Seizing the moment? Scotland, Coronavirus and the question of Independence |...

A recent poll from Panelbase for the Sunday Times provided some heady tonic for the Westminster establishment and Unionists regarding the current mood in...

Forgotten populists: the Knights of Labor and the American Left

In this fascinating article, Steven Parfitt draws lessons from the rise and fall of the Knights of Labor —the first left populist movement and...

Expectedly unprecedented: Media discourses on COVID-19 and gender violence in Mexico

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to our lifestyles. Or is it, maybe, that the pandemic has simply underscored our already lived normality,...

People’s Infrastructures: the case of recuperated factory of VIOME

In this week’s article Kostis Roussos, Vaggelis Vragoteris and Haris Malamidis write about a new paradigm of working in common: the case of VIOME, a factory in...

Refugees and the Housing Crisis: When Sanctuary Ceases to be a...

In this article Caroline Forde reports on the housing crisis and its effects on vulnerable communities in contemporary Ireland. Interviewing Hani, a young Syrian refugee...

[Mexico] “About Time!” – Jimena Vazquez

This week's special article by Jimena Vazquez, reflects upon the last Mexican elections. Jimena argues that the election result signals that: 'it is not...

“A Hostile Environment” – Immigration in Contemporary Britain

This weekend The New Pretender brings you a republication of this short article, on the Windrush Scandal, Race and the Criminalisation of Immigration in Contemporary Britain,...

Is Left-Wing Populism Still Relevant?

Left-wing populism has been on the rise in recent years especially in Europe and the United States. However, after the experiences of SYRIZA, Podemos...

Demonising populism won’t work – Europe needs a progressive populist alternative...

How should Europe react to the rise of populist parties? Chantal Mouffe argues that the consensus established between centre-right and centre-left parties on the...

The Underbelly of a Littlebury Lawyer

Who are the elite capital-owning class, and how do they think about precarious work? Cailean Gallagher offers a case-study of the tycoon behind the...