Amok Runners: Crisis of Patriarchy and Gender Violence in Turkey |...

In this long read and original essay for the New Pretender, Alev Özkazanç writes about the prevalence of gender based violence against women and members...

People’s Infrastructures: the case of recuperated factory of VIOME

In this week’s article Kostis Roussos, Vaggelis Vragoteris and Haris Malamidis write about a new paradigm of working in common: the case of VIOME, a factory in...

Is Left-Wing Populism Still Relevant?

Left-wing populism has been on the rise in recent years especially in Europe and the United States. However, after the experiences of SYRIZA, Podemos...

Left Populism from the Hungarian Perspective

A great challenge for the left is how to comply with both Marxist (especially Gramscian) and post-structuralist (Laclau-Mouffian) ideas about politics. How can this...

Demonising populism won’t work – Europe needs a progressive populist alternative...

How should Europe react to the rise of populist parties? Chantal Mouffe argues that the consensus established between centre-right and centre-left parties on the...

‘We are witnessing the rise of a neo-liberal populism’ – Interview with...

Jorge Moruno is a sociologist of Work, and former head of discourse for the Podemos movement, of which he was a founding member. In...

[Turkey] Can Muharrem İnce overtake Erdoğan?

In this second piece on the Turkish elections, The New Pretender deepens its analysis of Muharrem İnce’s left populist campaign. According to opinion polls, only 7...

Peter Bloom | We live in a populist age – but...

This weekend the New Pretender takes great pleasure in republishing the following intervention by Peter Bloom from our partners Brave New Europe. Bloom notes the loose...

Messiah Musk

‘Elon Musk is my God’, ‘My favourite human being’, ‘This guy is the future!’, ‘Find a way to make him immortal!’. Exclamations like these...

Doom Watch Cancelled: a comment on the Swedish 2018 Election and...

In this weekends long-read Per Rolandsson offers an analysis of the recent Swedish Elections. To such an end, Rolandsson's analysis grapples with the figure of the...