Why are we Pretending? A Final Inventory Check upon Leaving Europe

Why should radicals look to 'pretenders' for inspiration? Amy Westwell and Cailean Gallagher trace the history of wild and illegitimate claims to power and...


In this week's article, we reprint an interview from the Political Observer on Populism with Giorgos Katsambekis addressing many thorny issues of contemporary democracy. Left-wing populist...

The Decline of Political Judgment: Moralistic Responses to the Populist Moment

In this article Liam Farrell offers a set of critical reflections on the decline of political judgment in contemporary political debates around the emergence of populist politics...

Against the War: the People’s peace

Once again in the history of humankind, the world seems on the brisk of disaster. Early in the morning of Saturday 14 April, US,...

Left Populism from the Hungarian Perspective

A great challenge for the left is how to comply with both Marxist (especially Gramscian) and post-structuralist (Laclau-Mouffian) ideas about politics. How can this...

Trump’s Global Gag Rule: Rolling Back Reproductive Rights in Central America...

Time has come to reveal the impact of US imperialism on the regression of women's rights in Central America. In this groundbreaking article, Daniel...

[Mexico] “About Time!” – Jimena Vazquez

This week's special article by Jimena Vazquez, reflects upon the last Mexican elections. Jimena argues that the election result signals that: 'it is not...

The Republican Future for the Irish Left? Socialist Strategy and the...

The developments of the Irish General Election (2020) represents an historic juncture for the left in Ireland. The question of left-strategy seems more urgent...

France’s Security Laws Should be a Wake-Up Call to Leftwing Nationalists...

If you are reading this, chances are you have heard about the French security laws that were proposed last Fall and are scheduled for...

Reading Fanon today

In this article by Karthick RM offers us a Universalist reading of Frantz Fanon’s works including: The Wretched of the Earth. Arguing against identitarian...