Towards the 12th May | Catherine Morris & Jesse Jones

Towards the 12th May A play spoken by a chorus of voices for James Connolly (5 June 1868 - 12 May 1916) by Catherine Morris This piece is...

Amok Runners: Crisis of Patriarchy and Gender Violence in Turkey |...

In this long read and original essay for the New Pretender, Alev Özkazanç writes about the prevalence of gender based violence against women and members...

Challenging “Gender Ideology”: (Anti-)Gender Politics in Europe’s Populist Moment | Jenny...

In this long-read article for The New Pretender Jenny Gunnarsson Payne offers an in-depth analysis of the emergence and power of so-called “Anti-Gender”  movements and campaigns both here in...

Is Marxism coming back? The resurgence of the Left in Europe...

In this weekend’s long-read article, Grigoris Markou surveys the re-emergence of Marxist and Communist ideas in contemporary political discourse. Tracing the relationship between Marxism and...

Essex Transform: Rediscovering the Demos Inside the space of Academia

In this week's article/report we present and support the student-driven project 'Essex Transform: Rediscovering the Demos Inside the Academia', led by the Centre...

The first step is admitting that you’re a worker –...

Modelling might seem like atypical work, a vocation that doesn’t have a lot in common with more regular jobs. That is the prevalent image...

Bright Flight

Per Rolandsson discusses why Scandinavian culture has become so popular among the liberal middle-classes. Is it fascism, racism, or escapism? Escaping the reality of today’s...

In Mexico City a woman wrote on the torn side of...

In Mexico City a woman wrote on the torn side of a cardboard box: “They took so much from us that they also took...

Never learning its mistake: is Hollywood on replay?

Last May, ten British cinemas previewed Baywatch, Paramount Studios' newest super production. In spite of the movie's $70,000,000 budget, few blockbuster fans turned up:...

Fighting Austerity Building Alternatives: Notes from the Struggles of the Metropolitan...

In this week's article Haris Malamidis and Kostis Roussos write about building alternative networks in periods where 'austerity politics remain untouched and tend to...