The Working-Class or the People? New Perspectives

Fighting for the "working-class" or uniting the "people"? New question, old issue. In this piece, Anton Jäger explains how American communists went through a similar debate...

Amok Runners: Crisis of Patriarchy and Gender Violence in Turkey |...

In this long read and original essay for the New Pretender, Alev Özkazanç writes about the prevalence of gender based violence against women and members...

Turkey: the organic crisis of a post-populist moment | Omer Tekdemir

This week The New Pretender republishes the following article by Omer Tekdemir, and call to discussion and debate from our comrades writing in openDemocracy. Initiated...

Community organising and left-wing populism

Recently put under the spotlight in France by Melenchon supporters, Saul Alinsky's "community organizing" intends to politicize the everyday life of  working classes by...

Reading Fanon today

In this article by Karthick RM offers us a Universalist reading of Frantz Fanon’s works including: The Wretched of the Earth. Arguing against identitarian...

Catherine Rottenberg: How Neoliberalism Colonised Feminism – and what you can...

In this short article, Catherine Rottenberg argues that feminism as a political identity and project, has increasingly become part of the discourse of neoliberalism....

Fighting Austerity Building Alternatives: Notes from the Struggles of the Metropolitan...

In this week's article Haris Malamidis and Kostis Roussos write about building alternative networks in periods where 'austerity politics remain untouched and tend to...

Why are we Pretending? A Final Inventory Check upon Leaving Europe

Why should radicals look to 'pretenders' for inspiration? Amy Westwell and Cailean Gallagher trace the history of wild and illegitimate claims to power and...

Extinction Rebellion and the Future of Direct Action | Liz Lee...

This week in the The New Pretender we bring you an original piece from Liz Lee Reynolds on the direct action movement ‘Extinction Rebellion’....

Towards the 12th May | Catherine Morris & Jesse Jones

Towards the 12th May A play spoken by a chorus of voices for James Connolly (5 June 1868 - 12 May 1916) by Catherine Morris This piece is...